d95d238e57 image, as if from m of iin-it-ate, s-im-ilar. origin, (ORIOR to arise.) mncllnge (MUCUS.) virago (VIR a man.) farrago a mixture (FAR wheat.) cerago Obs. 1. Indiijo is .... Definition of virago in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of virago. What does ... a termagant; a vixen. Origin: [L. virago, -intis, from vir a man. See Virile.] .... while several of these have risen to respectability and wealth, the great majority, true to their ancestry, have all the characteristics of their convict-virago origin.. Origins, Experiences, and Culture Carole Elizabeth Boyce Davies. Nichols, Grace. 1984. The Fat Black Woman's Poems. London: Virago. Nichols, Grace. 1986.. Definition of virago - a domineering, violent, or bad-tempered woman. ... Origin. Old English (used only as the name given by Adam to Eve, following the Vulgate) .... Virago definition is - a loud overbearing woman : termagant. How to use virago in a sentence. Did You Know?. See also ADDER, sNAKE virago [OE] The second chapter of the Book of Genesis describes the creation of Eve: 'And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, .... ... by the total preceeding surnames; Similar: Surnames listed in the "Similar Surnames" section are phonetically similar and may not have any relation to Virago.. Word Origin and History for virago. late 14c., "man-like or heroic woman," from Latin virago, from vir "man" (see virile).. Note may be taken here of the virago, which does come from L vir: man. In the Bible, Genesis 2:23: “She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of .... Hence, a mannish woman; a bold, turbulent woman; a termagant; a vixen." Virago . . . serpent under femininity." [Chaucer.].. "virago" (woman) definition: a large strong and aggressive woman. ... Origin: Middle English from Old English from Latin, a manlike female from vir, man: see .... The Yamaha Virago was Yamaha's first V-twin cruiser motorcycle, and one of the earliest mass-produced motorcycles with a mono-shock rear suspension.. It's not a compliment to call someone a virago, although its origins are much nobler than the shrewish, screechy character it implies today. Originally, a virago was a brave or heroic woman. The root of virago is the Latin word for "man," vir. In other words, a virago used to mean a woman who seemed manly or virile.. Virago Name Meaning. Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, .... viraginous (vɪˈrædʒɪnəs ). adjective. virago-like (viˈrago-ˌlike). adjective. Word origin of 'virago'. Old English, from Latin: a manlike maiden, from vir a man .... noun. pl. -·goes or -·gos. a quarrelsome, shrewish woman; scold; Archaic a strong, manlike woman; amazon. Origin of virago. Middle English from Old English .... "virago" definitions: a noisy, scolding, or domineering woman | a large strong and aggressive woman +Audio pronunciation +Etymology.. A virago is a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities. The word comes from the Latin word virāgō ((genitive virāginis) meaning variously 'a man-like, vigorous, heroic maiden, a female warrior, heroine..' from vir meaning 'man' (cf.. Meaning: "man-like or heroic woman, woman of extraordinary stature, strength and courage," from Latin virago "female warrior,… See more definitions.
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